EMG signal detection using matlab

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Junior Member level 2
Feb 16, 2010
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I am making a matlab system which can identify EMG signals of our muscle (bicep tricep) and make the system respond based on the signals measured by EMG. I have successfully made measurement of EMG signals and saved them in a .m file format by now I need some suggestions from you guys.

I am thinking of filtering these signals first since these are accompanied by noises etc. using fdatool and than after the signal is cleaned I am thinking of using fourier analysis to find the power of each signal and than make a system (which I don't know how) in matlab that can Identify the power spectrum of each signal and respond appropriately.

My question: Is my approach correct? can u guys suggest me any other method or guild me to some example like this one?



Did u manage writing the MATLAB code ? i need help with the same problem, can u help me ??

you can follow these steps:

1) build a band stop filter to remove power line frequency (select cut-off frequency depending on ur power line frequency i.e 50 or 60 Hz)

2) build a band pass filter
for band pass filter, u can use 2 Hz as low cut-off and higher cut-off depending on ur acquisition frequency. (if u are acquiring signal at a rate of 250 samples/sec, then higher cut-off is 124 Hz)

3) For spectrum analysis, use 'fft' function. with some extra efforts, u can get the exact spectrum. u can even find the psd for power estimation.

i am working on a project in which i am going to control the DC motor according to the emg signals piked up from hand.
Can u give me some idea about the surface emg electrodes...from where to buy it?

hi manik..
i am also working on the project to capture EMG signals from surface..
can you give more details about ur project ,so i can help u ,which kind of electrodes u should buy??
in my proj. i have used BIPOLAR surface EMG electrodes.. i got them from Ahmadabad..

hi nayan.... :razz:
as i told above i am using those emg signals to control the rotation of dc motor.
which mai b looks similar to controlling a robotic arm.
basically i am from maharashtra....so will u please give me the details about from where r u buy that surface emg electrodes.....
n how i can contact that shop....any contact number or mail ID or website....
u my replay me on my mail ID 'manik9000@gmail.com' .

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