embedded systems, what to do to become an expert

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Aug 25, 2010
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i want to specialize in embedded systems !
i have a background, i worked in this field thru my final project. the aim of it was to desigen a DAQS using microcontroller and embedded ethernet device
i used atmega16 in my project.
Yet i still consider my self a beginner!
so any good advices?
what can i do to become an expert in this field ?

help in embedded systems !

If you want to specialize in Embedded System you can go for a Masters degree in this field... apart from this only option is work even harder and try out different aspect to understand the Controller better

Re: help in embedded systems !

Hard work n Knowledge gained by working out the things in real-time(practical) will surely be beneficial to a person. So my advice to u would be that try to learn thing by doing it in practical as far as possible with advice from pioneers in this field.
Jerin. :wink:
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there are a lot of books in this field.
read more and more.
go to the shop of electronic device(micro-controllers, resisters,capacitors,transistors,etc) in your country, buy devices to do your project and ask them if they can help you and you may be ask them about a good engineer in this field and i am sure they will guide you to him.
i hope that i give you good advice :grin:
with my regard
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start with a self learnig kit .and create projects .at these time you will arise doubt and clear out the doubts throgh edaboard and google. Best of luck
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practical experience is the only way to become an expert and even them most experts specialise!
Buld some projects, e.g. some simple examples
Microcontrollers Project Examples

Get a few development boards, e.g. the Microchip microstick is cheap (about £16 in UK)
**broken link removed**

it has an onboard programmer and a header to plug into breadboards for you own circuits
the IDE and compiles are free for academic and there are plenty of APIs to support applications

if you have done playing with 8051,pic,avr then switch to ARM ,coldfire MCUs which are usually used in industry and Embedded Market.


1st step There are 2 filed in the embedded system 1) microprocessor 2) microcontroller's
First you should decide in what field you want to work in

2nd step once you choose a filed you must work & have experience with as many as known product from that sector
...for instance whether you choose to work with microcontrollers you should have experience with at lest 10 different type(not from the same family) - teak many year's and many project to accomplish this task!

All the best

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