Electronic Control Unit for Automotive Engine

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Advanced Member level 4
Dec 6, 2005
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ecu circuit diagram

I am making a project.
It is " Electronic control Unit for Automotive Engine".
Anyone give me devices or help.
Where I can get necessary information?

I really want to discuss about it.
It have three main part,
1.Input or Sensor unit
2.Control Unit
3.Output or Acturator unit.
For these part,What you can help me?

Zaw Min Oo

ecu electronic-control-unit processor

Take a look at:


It's a complete ECU with full schematics. Might be what you want, or might help you build what you want. If this was helpful, please click on "helped me". Thanks.


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ecu schematic

in the internet you can not find many good idea. Much of the controllers in the internet is made from amateurs. I work some time on the ECU for one my friend. There are is a two very big mistake in the schem on the net. First is the input for sensors, many of the schem not include filter, EMC components, and do not measure sensors correctly.
Second disadvantage is using of low speed microcontrollers. This is a suitable for a standard ECu, but if you want to gem maximum from your engine, you will need independent control for every fuel injector and ignition, with 1-10 us resolution. This is a very difficult to do with PIC or AVR, ARM is to not good solution because ARM is good for calculation, but not for fast I/O control.
I design ECU with CPLD module, this module do a control of ignition and ijectors, calculate the speed, measure all time, and can do this for 8 independent channels, this is a 4 cylinder engine.
And some important,the hardware and CPU soft will be unusable if you dont have a strong knowledges about how work engine, and how can get the max.
Reactions: aminshafie


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8051 ecu

Hello Tohu,

Thank you very much for your help.
I have considered to make ECU with 8051.
For the first state of my project,
It may not be commercial device.
It can control ignition and injection by airflow meter,intate air temperature sensor,
crank shift sensor and RPM sensor,oxygen sensor.
I want your design,can you send me by mail.
I really want to discuss with mail,if you have more time.

Zaw Min Oo

***Please anyone more discuss about this and help me with your advices.

diy electronic control unit pdf

I can help you about hardware and software, but i can not help you for the table. If you use standard table from original ECU is OK, but some of parameters you can calculate depend from the speed and other parameter, an then you will have more control accuracy. This is the correction on the table data, that many of the original ECU do not.
The commercial use not have a connection to the ECU. For example EMC is not only for compatibility, EMS and EMI is two part from EMC, in your case is more important EMS, this is the resistivity to external emission, in the car you have a very strong emission, first this is the ignition, second this is the alternator, the next is all electromechanical devices abs pump, fuel pump etc.

About the microcontroller, if you want use the x51, you can look at Cygnal products, they have a very fast processor, up to 100 MIPS, this will be enough for you.

ecu schematics


Right,I known table and some data are made myself.
I need circuit diagram or schematics diagram.
I have no experience to hand sensor.
So,I need the interfaceing of sensor.
If you have circuit of ECU,plz upload or send by mail.


engine control unit design

there's a FULL SCHEMATIC plus construction details of a diy ECU at the link I posted way up there.

automotive cntrol unit


https://www.megasquirt.info/ is a good website.

But it is not enough to construct an ECU.I see only External Wiring Schematic
and some small circuit. I want a whole ECU circuit diagram. In the net, all publisher
are not give their technology. So, I discuss about ECU in this forum. If someone known or have this circuit, plz send to me.

If you known only some portion of ECU, plz share your knowledge.
Firstly, I want to discuss circuit or hardware. Let we discuss Controller and Software at later.


ecu schematic diagram

perhaps this is the link you need: https://www.bgsoflex.com/v22/msv22.html

It's not so obvious on the MS page, the "version 3" is only a small add-on board, you have to look for the version 2.2 schematics.

also, here's another ecu project with schematics: **broken link removed**


    Points: 2
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electronic control unit design project

They are good links.

ecu connection schematic diagram

Happy New Year Tohu,

You can use the 8051, but the 87C196KR, J series and CA/CB series MCU's by Intel are better adapted for what you are looking to do. In my humble opinion they are available in 20Mhz speeds with the 87C196EA and 88CO196EC available in 40 Mhz speeds.

I am working on an automotive application using the 88CO196EC, which offers all of the HSIO functions of the 196KR, plus the EPA/PWM capabilities which play into the timing sequences needed by your project.

diagram of ecu unit

Hi Everybody,

Firstly,I think I should get the servive manual of an engine that I want to work with, with all sensor data, expected signal values, waveforms etc.
Where I can get these materials??


automotive ecu schematic

Hi JhonyG,
i look at this pdf, do you can say how many clock is need for one instruction? The controller looked good.
If must talk about price and functionality, i think the better choice is the FPGA with a IP core, Microblaze for example, this is the 100 MIPS 32 bit core, can be implement in spartan, virtex and other Xilinx FPGA. This will be enough for all needs, on the other hands the FPGA will give to you possibility to implement big number of CCP modules.
But if talk for the standard CPU, the intel controller looks a very good.

diy ecu project

Can any one suggest any good book related to this topic

diy ecu wiring diagram

Hi all,

I want to know ABS(Anti Braking Lock-Systems) and ESP (Electronic Stability Program) for our project development.
Also i want to know about Electronic Suspension Systems of Cars.

automotive emc

I am looking for a standalone circuit with U2270B.

Can anyone please post the schematics for the same.

engine electronics control unit

Just a side note for all you obvious Intel fans....the reason you don't see as much about Motorola processors is because for a long time the automotive industry was using virtually all of their production for ECUs! Almost all American car maker were using 68HC11's. The secret is the lookup tables. You don't need a whole lot of processing power when using look-ups. The 68xx and 68xxx are far better at addressing memory in this than the Intels (8051). During the years you couldn't buy a 68xx processor, everyone learned other types of processors.

Think of this in your design; how much of the operation of an engine is unique enough to need processing algorithms? Virtually all engine operation is predictable and therefore look-up-able. If you need a lot of processing power, then you are doing it the hard way.

One factor that a fuel injection specialist pointed out to me; most fuel injection systems fire either all the injectors at once, or like GM's "sequential" injections fire half at a time in two banks. At the very least, you will be repeating the same sequence for long periods, just making small adjustments to the duration as you go. There is no reason to treat each cylinder uniquely, if you need to, take your car to a mechanic, because you have a bad cylinder!

A critical factor when looking for a processor for automotive engine-compartment use is TEMPERATURE RANGE! If you don't look at available operating temperature ranges, you can make a great engine controller that won't work outside the lab. I think this will be the biggest factor in processor choice. Even the passenger compartment can reach 150°F in the sun. (I live in Florida, the sun can melt plastics in a car!) The engine compartment can easily exceed 250°F at one time or another. This is above the STORAGE temperature of a lot of ICs. Remember when you turn the engine off, the temp. inside the engine-compartment will try to equalize and the engine temperature actually goes up for a while(hot soak).

ecu schematic circuit diagrams

Hi Everybody,

I have known that it's very difficult to construct whole ECU. I am only a student. So, I think that I should start with simple electronic ignition control system.

For input signal...
I would like to use only Variable Reluctance sensor. It's a inductive sensor and produce since wave output signal. It will pass through schmitt trigger and filter circuit to change square wave.

For controller...
I would like to use PIC 16F877.
In my country, I can use PIC and 8051 microcontroller.

For output....
I would like to control four stroke spark igntion engine.

I think I can build it.
Any comment and suggestion are welcome.

I would like to get your help.(circuit and program)


diy engine ecu schematic

Do you finish this project?

engine control unit works

Hi Zaw Min Oo
Please contact peezmt@gmail.com
I am from MM,YGN
You can Get ECR Unit
Let Share Ideas
Then upload in This Forum
It used PIC16F628A
Next I will upload
Thank for All

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