The line length at which EM will not occur, is pretty short.
I don't know what it is in any particular technology, but
people make electromigration-mode fuses at lesser length.
If you are within ratings, you should be fine, provided those
ratings include random defectivity like notching, and not-
random but variable things like thinning over topography.
Back in the day we used to include these in the high-rel
rules for calculating current density, but I observe them
to be missing in modern day kits I use.
A line failing within a 6-month window, under normal use,
when EM rules are usually set for 10-year range of service
life at extremes of temperature, is an extreme physical
design miss.
Now if this is CMOS, is your current even DC? It would
seem not, or trivial current, at 0.25um. Are you time-
averaging the current for purposes of analysis?