eos damage
Switching power supplies are bad for creating switching tranients. These transients can generate overstress events in the control/drive circuits. EOS is typically one of the highest causes for field returns. I've talked to several companies that state EOS accounts for about 20 to 30% of the total returns from the field.
I've been tasked at looking how to make our parts more robust to EOS events. I have evaluated several of the highest offenders and found the most common aspect of EOS is related to the high current switchin node. Pins driving this node or monitoring the voltage on this node are most susceptable to EOS conditions.
I would like to get other peoples opinions on what is the source of EOS damage. It has been my experience that most of the EOS damage is related to a poor board layout or poor selection of components connected to the controller/driver IC in power supplies. The added capacitance/inductance produces switching noise that causes breakdown in conponents and ends up destroying components.