Electric filed simulation in very low frequency in Ansoft Maxwell

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Jul 21, 2008
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I'm trying to simulate and calculate e-field over a sphere (made of material like fat) when it's close to a plate that is excited with a very low frequency (i.e. 10Hz) voltage pule. my field is computer hardware so I'm not completely comfortable with RF stuff!
Here is what I figured out:
I made a circuit on maxwell circuit editor and made a 3D model in maxwell. The circuits simply is made of a VPulse source, a ground and a resistor (with the same name as my plate in maxwell) and I'm trying to apply it as an external excitation source to my plate in Maxwell. However after importing the netlist and assigning it to my plate I get an error in Maxwell " Maxwell3DDesign1 (Transient) [error] No excitation or value boundary or permanent magnet or magnetization link has been defined"

Could anyone give me a hint what I'm missing or doing wrong?

Tnx in advance

The error message suggests selection of a wrong analysis type.

Generally 10 Hz electric field refers to a pure AC electrostatic problem and hasn't to do with a RF respectively EM problem.

The error message suggests selection of a wrong analysis type.

Generally 10 Hz electric field refers to a pure AC electrostatic problem and hasn't to do with a RF respectively EM problem.

Thanks FvM and sorry if my question was not much clear and confusing.

Let me clarify my question. Is my approach right? If I want to excite a plate (a cylander) with a voltage pulse how should apply my excitation in Ansoft Maxwell?

You can use a Maxwell3DDesign and use Solution Type: Electric Transient to apply a pulse.
How large ist your sphere? 10Hz will most likely not be a pulse but be a static Problem. What do you want to find out?

You can use a Maxwell3DDesign and use Solution Type: Electric Transient to apply a pulse.
How large ist your sphere? 10Hz will most likely not be a pulse but be a static Problem. What do you want to find out?

The sphere has radius of 8cm. I used the Electric Transient, however although it has no response to my input, the output spikes up at the end of simulation period. for example if it is running over 3 ms at 2.5 the answer (e field) start going up and it ends around 10e33 for excitation in the magnitude of couple of volts! the same thing happens if I change the timing; just at the end it starts jumping up. Any idea what could be the problem?

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