Hello everyone, I have a question about EEproms. As far as I can see, they're used for storing data (about 1k), they're a little slow to write to (although there are flash versions a little faster) and my question is, are there any other ways they can be put to good use. I do a bit of pic programming with the microchip pickit 2 and MPLab IDE and have aquired an eeprom programmer with some sample eeproms.
I guess you are talking about the i2c eeprom. remember that there is the on-board eeprom but only 256 byte. either way it is fast enough for most application. I suggest you experiment with them since u've got the tools. good luck.
Microchips SPI EEPROMs can clock at 20MHz and hold up to 1M bits.
I have an application in mind that needs a very long serial data stream and the 25 series chips have automatic address incrementing so by just giving them a starting address and then toggling the clock pin it should be possible to create serial data directly from the data output pin.