Description: Erase EEDATA memory on dsPIC30F and PIC24FXXKA devices.
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: void _erase_eedata(_prog_addressT dst, int len);
Argument: dst destination memory address
len dsPIC30F: length may be _EE_WORD or _EE_ROW(bytes)
PIC24FxxKA: length may be _EE_WORD, _EE_4WORDSor _EE_8WORDS (bytes)
Return Value: None.
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Erase EEDATA memory as specified by parameters.
File: eedata_helper.c
Description: Erase the entire range of EEDATA memory on dsPIC30F and PIC24FXXKA devices.
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: void _erase_eedata_all(void);
Argument: None
Return Value: None.
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Erase all EEDATA memory for the selected device.
File: eedata_helper.c
Description: Wait for an erase or write operation to complete on dsPIC30F and PIC24FXXKA devices.
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: void _wait_eedata(void);
Argument: None
Return Value: None.
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Wait for an erase or write operation to complete.
File: eedata_helper.c
Description: Write 16 bits of EEDATA memory on dsPIC30F and PIC24FXXKA devices.
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: void _write_eedata_word(_prog_addressT dst,
int dat);
Argument: dst destination memory address
dat integer data to be written
Return Value: None.
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Write one word of EEDATA memory for dsPIC30F devices.
File: eedata_helper.c
Description: Write _EE_ROW bytes of EEDATA memory on dsPIC30F devices.
Include: <libpic30.h>
Prototype: void _write_eedata_row(_prog_addressT dst,
int *src);
Argument: dst destination memory address
*src points to the storage location of data to be written
Return Value: None.
Remarks: None.
Default Behavior: Write specified bytes of EEDATA memory.
File: eedata_helper.c