Hi All,
I have an interesting problem that I'm trying to find an innovative solution for.
I have USB to Ethernet,USB,USB chip (**broken link removed**) that gets all of it's configuration from an attached EEPROM (it also supports a default configuration if the EEPROM is not detected or not of a valid format). For the LAN9512 a 3-wire style 2K/4K EEPROM that is organized for 256/512 x 8-bit operation must be used.
I would like to effectively configure some of these memory locations on the EEPROM from the main processor which is on the same board as the LAN9512.
I'm thinking that I might use a dual port EEPROM that I can configure from the host processor before issuing a soft reset to LAN9512 to reload the internal registers from the EEPROM. For this I would ideally need a dual port EEPROM that matches the criteria above while providing both a 3-wire interface for the LAN9512 and a i2c interface for my host processor.
Other solutions could involve emulating an EEPROM device using a microcontroller or FPGA, although this solution is not as attractive as I would need store the configuration image or bitstream of the emulating device somewhere on board. This approach also seems like a page out of a book titled "overkill 101".
Any thoughts?