EEPROM reading with pic16f877a in ccs c compiler

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Aug 13, 2011
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hello everybody,I want to ask you,the requirements for reading serial eeprom;I would like to read an EEPROM and copy its content to another EEPROM all interfacing with PIC16F877A
can some body help me to do that?

My previous Micrcontroller is not reading the EEPROM so I want to change the microcontroller and read the same data in the EEPROM is it possible?

What is the techniques used when interfacing a microcontroller to EEPROM os that ,the LCD can not display anything as long as the EEPROM is not in the circuit?


It depends on what type of Serial EEPROM you are using.

Mostly I2C Eeprom are used, You can connect many devices in I2C bus around 127 i think.

So i think you can connect both eeproms on i2c bus(make sure that both must have different address).

You can you i2c function inbuilt in ccs compiler to do your task.

I am using 25LC640 Serial EEPROM i has some data in it which I want to read using PIC16F877A how can I proceed?

Mostly I2C Eeprom are used, You can connect many devices in I2C bus around 127 i think.

So i think you can connect both eeproms on i2c bus(make sure that both must have different address).

Just one addition to this, can be interesting, number of 127 devices on I2C bus is general story, but in real life this is little different. Some I2C devices such as EEPROMs have different addressing scheme defined by manufacturer for that particular product, some of them are limited to 2 per bus, some 4, some 1, .....

For each part which works on I2C bus, and how that part works on I2C bus including maximum number and other thing, the valid source of specification is manufacturers datasheet.

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