EEPROM coding for multiple data

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prasad minchala

Newbie level 1
Apr 4, 2013
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pls tell me the code for sending and receiving multiple ID's or Data to/from the EEPROM using 8051 (or) PIC (or) ARM controller, and they are stored in different locations.

pls tell me the code for sending and receiving multiple ID's or Data to/from the EEPROM using 8051 (or) PIC (or) ARM controller, and they are stored in different locations.

You are working in C ?? Which compiler and IDE are you using? The EEPROM that you want to use supports I2C communication right?
I have worked on microchip 24AA1026. For start up, take guidance from the data sheet. I had to first send a control byte and set the Address pins of EEPROM accordingly so that EEPROM while listening on I2C bus detects that message is for this EEPROM. Then the byte address is sent which has to be read/written at.
After this a data byte has to be sent on I2C bus ( or read form the bus again depending on what bits are set in control byte intially)

tell us the interface of your eeprom, better tell us the part number. which protocol it supports? then we can help you more accurately.

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tell us the interface of your eeprom, better tell us the part number. which protocol it supports? then we can help you more accurately.

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