Advanced Member level 4
Need a detailed notes on tsmc library files
Hi all,
How to understand where and when these libraries are useful ?
Folder names are: apl,apt,ecsm,GDS,nldm,spi,Vit,CCS,cdk,lpe,MDT,and vlg. I don't know about physical design but have some hands on with synthesis ,dft and atpg flow. That's all due to scripts readily available.
Can someone explain or show me a resource where I can get the clear usage of each folder and where it is useful and in which flow.
There is no much documentation provided here.
Hi all,
How to understand where and when these libraries are useful ?
Folder names are: apl,apt,ecsm,GDS,nldm,spi,Vit,CCS,cdk,lpe,MDT,and vlg. I don't know about physical design but have some hands on with synthesis ,dft and atpg flow. That's all due to scripts readily available.
Can someone explain or show me a resource where I can get the clear usage of each folder and where it is useful and in which flow.
There is no much documentation provided here.