now , i create normal ECG wave signal.....i got p wave & t wave.....& battery supply ±9V , all my circuit input is square from Astable multivariate output(1 kHz square wave but a small spike appear on high to low signal) , then give to frequency divider , (why i divided the frequency because P & T & QRS frequency vairied)then frequency divider output given to integrator(here square wave to triangular wave converted) then integrator output given to wave shape circuit(triangular wave to sine wave converted)i take only +ve half wave signal ......
now try doing p wave given delay & T wave given delay & QRS wave given delay & finally summing all wave(P,T,QRS)......
normal ECG waveform
P wave =80 ms(time period), 12.5 Hz(frequency),0.25 mV(amplitude)
T wave =80 to 100 ms(time period), 12.5 Hz to 10 Hz(frequency), 1.6 mV(amplitude)
QRSwave=160 ms(time period),6.25 Hz(frequency), 0.1 to 0.5 mV(amplitude)
it's me....further process......