Ebike chargers have standard connectors?

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What are the standard connectors for connecting an offline Ebike charger to an ebike battery? Or are there no such “standard” connectors for this?

An internet search reveals loads of different connectors, and charger datasheets (if they even have datasheets) don’t even say what connector the charger has.

So supposing someone’s ebike battery wears out……they then buy a replacement battery…..their old charger can’t be connected to the new battery….so the old charger gets thrown away. How do we stop this and the environmental nightmare that it leads to?

Hi, on a related note...

I am seeking to buy the cheapest ebike charger for a 48V LiFePO4 battery of 10Ah.
I would like to compare prices of approx. 100W chargers, and approx. 500W chargers
So, like you do, I put into google “buy electric bike charger”
Not one single product on the web says what DCDC connector it has…….for 2A and below they seem to often have a “barrel connector” as follows….

1…..charger 36v, 60w, £26.14


….however, they never tell you the spec of that barrel connector, so you have no idea if its ok for your particular battery.
Many chargers above 2A seem often to have the following three prong connector on it…

2…charger £59.99….Power and voltage not even stated!


Goodness only knows what the third prong is for? Temperature feedback? Connector alignment?
…And it doesn’t give the connector part number, so again, you have no idea if it fits your battery’s connector?

The following is a 500W charger

3…charger 50v, 500w, £68


….one of the pics shows its connector……goodness knows what its part number is, as it doesn’t say.

Can readers confirm that the ebike after sales market is anything other than a total train-crash?

The old charger should not be thrown. The biggest problem is if there is a protection with the connector. Otherwise you need to get to the wires right behind the connector. Cut the connector of the charger and the connector of the eBike and use what ever charger you want. LiPo batteries of 48V are charged with a higher voltage. If you can measure it 1 time, it would be the best. Just start the original charger 1 time, wait 20 minutes and measure the voltage on the battery with a multimer.

A phone charger of 2A and an LM2577 high voltage module version, can supply up to 57V. Of course this will be a primitive charger without the different modes of switching the current and voltage levels and frequencies. I don't know if it will work well, but if you are willing to risk a charger and module, you can try.

The market is a SCAM according to me and so are eBikes. There should be electrical charging stations which you can use. Please post a picture of the connector that you want, there are different in size barrel connectors.
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