Hello all!
I need to generate a fixed high precision PWM signal, period T = 10 ms, time high TH around 300 us and amplitude 5 V.
I was doing it with a 555 timer with low tolerance components but the best signal I can generate has around +-0.02 ms error on period. I need to do exactly 10 ms period with error in nanoseconds or less range if possible (I dont need high accurate on TH).
Inside my circuit there is no MCU module (all analogic), so I am not sure what to do now. Some options:
- Add some specifical IC to generate this pulse better than 555.
- Add a really small microcontroler ONLY to do this job.
I want to do it in the easiest way. I know the best choice would be to add a microcontroller but I have limited development time to achieve that.
Would appreciate If someone can give me some ideas.