Eagle pro ...via won't move.

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I have a via on my 4 layer PCB which can't be moved and can't be selected.

Ive closed and opened the .brd file, but it still wont be moved, and wont be selected.

Any ideas on how to get this via "talking"?

I just want to delete it...but the ripup tool does nothing to it.

I'm too scared to use the delete tool as i may get out of synchrony with the schematic, though i suppose being a via, its not in the schematic?

Try turning off every layer except vias.


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Also, does 'info' do anything or does that also ignore it?

Try ripup and click on it.

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Run the DRC and see if that helps. Two vias on top of one another might be tricky to spot but would be reported in the DRC.

Reactions: treez


    Points: 2
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Thanks, low and behold it just went.....it must have been a temporary blip in my windows......

A large grid with small snap length might cause it.

Reactions: treez


    Points: 2
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This problem has now happened again in another part of the board....i'm trying to move a via and it won't move...i cant select it etc...ive tried all the techniques suggested here, but nothing works.......its just a seemingly "dead" via.
.SORRY this one was a test pad and i had forgotten to put "origins" on

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