Eagle Pro..how get solder resist on bottom annulus only of via?

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Please advise on this if you know?
Eagle only allows me to have both top and bottom annulus's covered , or not covered, in solder resist...is there a way round this? I am speaking of vias used in routing of tracks.


You can do this manually in board.
* switch all to "covered"
* put a circle (wire width = 0, diameter like desired) on layer "tStop" to "uncover" the desired vias on TOP side.

Or you can gererate it automatically with the CAM processor
* set all vias to be covered
* generate output file for bStop
* set all vial to be uncovered and
* generate output file for tStop

Maybe there are oter ways...


Btw: CadSoft has a good forum and usually answer very fast on customer questions.
Reactions: mtwieg and treez


    Points: 2
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    Points: 2
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Eagle can't do this automatically, but this:
Or you can gererate it automatically with the CAM processor
* set all vias to be covered
* generate output file for bStop
* set all vial to be uncovered and
* generate output file for tStop
Is a very clever method to do what you want.

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