Eagle pro..How do i get rid of "DrillLegend" debris

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I deleted a 7 way PTH connector.....for some reason its "drilllegend" debris is still left there on the pcb...how do i get rid of it?....Is there a danger that the pcb manufacturer may drill unwanted holes there?

I haven't seen that problem. Have you a screenshot? You can always check the Gerbers/NC Drill files to make sure there isn't anything that shouldn't be there.

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Re: Eagle pro..How do i get rid of "DrillLegend" debris

I've seen that too but it goes away if I close and re-open the file.
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i dont know how to view the drill holes...the gerbers dont show the drill holes....NC drill files wont show in gerbers i find

If you import the drill file into GCprevue (free) along with the Gerbers then it will show the holes and if you click on the holes and query them (hit the letter Q) it will also show the size.

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Thansk Keith,
I havebeen using viewmate so that sounds like my problem

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