eagle board dimension error from a board

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Awais Qadir

Newbie level 4
Jun 11, 2013
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hello i am using a stellaris launchpad XL package from StellarisLaunchPad_Fred library. and i am getting these dimension error while routing around the board .although the board only has the header footprints on the layer itself and the border or the dimensions are floating above the wires on top layer.
1.what does this error mean.
2.would it cut down the wire on the marked errors when milled?
3.how can i avoid this error in the first place.

following are the images of the error.

Eagle's "Dimension" layer should be the outermost layer of PCB design. No tracks should cross it.

The Dimension Error means that there is some signal too close of Dimension Layer. How much close is enough to gerate an error can be set at the DRC configuration.

well that dimension layer is of a board which i have to plug into the header in the middle of my project board. there would be wires crossing it anyways because the wire need to reach the header. does that mean there is an error in library package and or is there a way i can finish this board dimension , because the signals are not just close to the dimension it is crossing it .in reality just the header of the library package board is touching the project board .

i tried changing the dimension layer in the library to tplace and replaced the component in the schematics and it worked .

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