E-Stop with remote trip circuit

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Newbie level 6
Jun 22, 2009
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I have a requirement to have a double safe guarded system: user-manually and software-automatically enable/disable the system. Its easy enough to have a e-stop in series with the relay, but I would like the software to be able to disarm the e-stop button. If the software detects an out of tolerance event, I want to prevent the situation of having the user (or worse, a different user) sit down and re-run the system. Ideally, if the software detects an it of tolerance event it would shutdown the system and reset the e-stop, this way the user would have to manually re-enable the system before re-running.

Is the an e-stop button that has a remote de-energize circuit?

Thank you,

An "e-stop button " is simply a switch, no more, no less. What you want is two switches in series, one, your "e-stop button"' , the other, a relay controlled by the software. Or, It could be something as simple as a relay in series with a switch and an output from a microcontroller.

I'm looking for something more like a circuit breaker function. Something that the user manually sets an can unset, but the system can also unset.

We have a couple Kepco power supplies with main switches that the supply can toggle if an overvoltage/overcurrent is detected. This forces the user to manually re-enable the supply. I don't know how Kepco does their switches, but it would be great if I could find a component simular.


You're kind of all over the place. First you say "user-manually and software-automatically enable/disable the system."

Then you say " Something that the user manually sets an can unset, but the system can also unset."

Then you say "This forces the user to manually re-enable the supply."

WHAT DO YOU WANT????? Do you want to 'force the user to manually re-enable the supply' or 'the system can also unset'.

Maybe you need to write a truth table or something.

I don't think I'm that "all over the place":

but I would like the software to be able to disarm the e-stop button.
I'm looking for something more like a circuit breaker function. Something that the user manually sets an can unset, but the system can also unset.
Ideally, if the software detects an it of tolerance event it would shutdown the system and reset the e-stop,

Your first suggest was literally what I wasn't looking for:
Its easy enough to have a e-stop in series with the relay,
What you want is two switches in series, one, your "e-stop button"' , the other, a relay controlled by the software.

I think I found my solution using a DPDT breaker:

The user enables the system with the breaker. The software then enables the system with Soft_EN1. The user then may shut down the system with the breaker. The software can also shutdown the system with Soft_EN1 but also trip the breaker via Soft_EN2... forcing the user to manually re-enable the system. A momentary pulse on Soft_EN2 long enough to trip breaker is all that is needed.

I was looking for something a little larger (and red & round) than a DPDT breaker and having this functionality built in.

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