e-Frame: a DIY digital frame

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Full Member level 4
Nov 30, 2009
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frame is based on old laptop that is so old that can work only for that – Toshiba Satellite 4030 CDT. Most importand properities for frame: processor 300 MHz – enough, 64Mb Ram – I’ve added 128, matrix 13,3 TFT (1024x768)
target was to create electric frame that can display photos, in normal , random mode.
I removed all needless elements of laptop: cd, floopy disc PCIMCIA speakers and casing.
All device I set in metal cover, main board is rotated and processor is touching metal so heat from processor goes to all cover. Outside there are: power slot, and USB ( unfortunately this laptop consist only one USB)
A few small upgrades: placing 40GB hard drive. I was thinking about putting CF card, but HD is enough. Few parts of the boards must be cut to fit into casing.
Diodes are solder that way so flash goes to holes in metal cover. Simple keyboard made of microswithers at universal board, is plugged into track point –a ( mouse buttons), and power switch. This old tool doesn’t consist energy saver system – ACPI. That’s why I made power on/off button.
Additionally after start, at display we had TOSHIBA mark – not nice function for me. I add very simple integrated circuit to late switching on LCD.
At the end I made wooden frame around LCD. Boards for frame are easy to buy at castorama or obi etc. frame is tighten to metal cover by wicket that allow to easy look inside tool. Cover is connected by magnetos that prevent opening.
More information at https://www.elektroda.pl/rtvforum/topic1579152.html

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