Hello all, I recently installed the dynamic link to do some design and encountered some problems:
1. If I turn off the ads, after clicking Tools-ADS Dynamic link, the message in CIW window reads that only one dynamic session is allowed to start. I need to restart the cadence to load the dynamic link. Is there any way to solve this?
2. Everytime I open a schematic, I need to click Launch-ADS Dynamic link. Is there any way to keep this menu on tool bar?
3. If I want to set some variables in my design and change them when simulating in ADS, I would click DynamicLink-Design Variables and set the variable. Then in ADS, if I try to get the variables, the hints reads that there is no variables? What's the right way to set up variables?
4.After I launching the ADS, the default path is in the file where I start Cadence. I have changed the IDF_ADS_PROJ_DIR in $HPEESOF_DIR/idf/config/idf.cfg , but it doesn't seem to work.
I will be appreciate if someone can help me in these problems!