Dual Band GSM Jammer Design issues.

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Newbie level 2
Jan 31, 2013
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Hello everyone, It's my first post so kindly ignore the noobie mistakes.
I am designing a Dual Band GSM Jammer as my major project based on DoS attack. By end of March'13 I have to submit the HW design and have to show the simulation too. :shock:
Simulation Tool: NI Multisim 11.
Design parameters decided for Jammer:
A. Bands to jam - 900 & 1800 MHZ GSM.
B. Range - 20m max.
C. Design - Non portable, direct supply from power socket.

It consist of 3 Sections, and I have few question to all the three sections:
:arrow:Power Supply: I designed and simulated 15V dual polarity power supply both with and without transformer. :-D
Which one would be suited best for the purpose here? Also any better idea for power supply as per project?

:arrow:IF Section: It would generate the jamming signal. Consist of triangular wave generator, Noise source and a mixer mixing noise and triangular wave. Till now I am able to simulate mixer and wave generator using Opamp 741 IC.
No ideas for noise source in simulation as well as in HW :sad: . Please suggest something for it.:roll:

:arrow: RF Section: Consist of converting the Noisy sawtooth in GSM range through a VCO followed by amplifying by any IC amplifier and transmitting through omni-directional high gain antenna.
I am totally blank regarding this section. :-| For VCO I chose Texas Instruments LMX2604 and Amplifier IC Philips BGY204.
Any suggestion for better VCO for these bands and amplifier IC also which is easy and cheap to implement in HW too?? Also what are other things I should consider while HW implementation of RF section?
Any suggestion for improvement in any part is welcome. Do let me know if there is any other scope of optimization.
PS - Don't ask to consult my project guide. If you know what I mean.... :-(

it will not work. i have tested and try it before. it is better you should not suffer yourself. gsm jammer does not work with far distance. i also changed my design using 8051 microcontroller.


What was the range of design which I am trying to build?
Also would like to know about your design if you would like to share?

can i get the report or steps of your project????????

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