dsPIC Embedded C Programming: How do I begin?

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Newbie level 4
Apr 13, 2013
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I know how to code the pic16f877 using assembly language. I know how to program in C as well.

I wish to learn how to program dsPIC3011 using embedded C. I downloaded the x16 compiler from mplab's website. However, I need a few tutorials so I can learn the basics. Essentially stuff like syntax and what headers to use. From scratch.

There's this guide https://www.mikroe.com/products/view/266/programming-dspic-mcu-in-c/. While it is very useful, it tells me nothing on how exactly I should go about initializing my program, what header files I should be using, initializing registers, assigning labels and all that.

Are there any online tutorials that I could use? A complete idiot's guide preferably.

*Additional Details*

Our college decided to give us a course based on dspic3011 and(funny enough) we do not have any practical implementation whatsoever. Not even simulations. I'd really like to know how I can go about programming and seeing results instead of writing little code snippets for my tests.


This guide is for MikroC Compiler for dsPIC
while you downloaded X16 Compiler.

They both are different compiler from Different Companies.
You can Use mikroC compiler to get started quickly
By reading this book

and after that you can try to implement the example given in that book with X16 Compiler.

Also Have a look at these links
**broken link removed**

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You can buy Development Boards for dsPIC or you can use Proteus Simulation also to simulate
Thank you so much. I wasted a lot of time trying to figure out how to get things working in MPLAB. The mikroC instructions are excellent.

I have ISIS. I used that to simulate PIC16F in the past. It doesn't seem to have some of the dsPICs like 3011 or 4013. Any idea where I could get those?

Instead of using proteus simulation, buy controller and do some real stuff.
As Proteus dont have that controller.

MPLAB Tutorial is here

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Instead of using proteus simulation, buy controller and do some real stuff.
As Proteus dont have that controller.

MPLAB Tutorial is here

I managed to get some rudimentary stuff working on dsPIC33f.

I'm looking for boards online. Could you recommend some online stores I could buy a complete development board from in India? I'm in Bangalore btw.

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