I am using an extracted netlist DSPF file and I need to comment a bunch of lines. I was wondering if there is a possibility to comment everything at once. I tried /* */ but it doesn't work and generates errors when I started the spectre simulation. Of course, I can always go and put * at the beginning of each and every line but that will be a lot of * and time needed to spend on this.
The simple way s to copy line comment macro for C/C++ and replace // with *
1. Change syntax highlighting to C
2. Copy comment macro for C: Preferences→Defauklt Settings→Customize Menus→Macro Menu
3. Select Comments>// Comment@C@C++@Java@JavaScript and push copy button
4. Change // to * in macro command and Menu entry like below:
5. Repeat for uncomment
6. Select Block and run Comment macro: