DSP Algorithms Implementation in MicroBlaze (Timing Issues)

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Newbie level 1
Mar 8, 2013
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I am using Spartan 6 FPGA SP605 Evaluation Kit and I am trying to use MicroBlaze soft processor core for implementing some DSP algorithms. Since I have never used MicroBlaze before, I first decided to measure the time required for performing some basic mathematical operations. For that I am using AXI timer peripheral and some of my findings are as below:

It took 23 cycles to multiply two integer type variables, 31 cycles to multiply two float type variables and 669 cycles to multiply two double type variables.

As mentioned before I am new to Micro Blaze, so I am not sure but what I am assuming is that, if the Processor Frequency is 100 MHZ then 23 cycles means that it takes (23/100M) = 0.23 μsec . Is it right?

And also I am not sure whether I am using the AXI timer peripheral in a correct manner, below are the details of the code

Xuint32 *TCSR0_reg, *TLR0_reg, *TCR0_reg;

TCSR0_reg = (Xuint32 *) XPAR_AXI_TIMER_0_BASEADDR;
TLR0_reg = ((Xuint32 *) XPAR_AXI_TIMER_0_BASEADDR) +0x01;
TCR0_reg = ((Xuint32 * ) XPAR_AXI_TIMER_0_BASEADDR) +0x02;

*(TLR0_reg) = 0x000000000; // timer initializing value
*(TCSR0_reg) = 0x00000030; // setting the load bit and ARHT (auto Reload/Hold timer) bit
*(TCSR0_reg) = 0x00000090; // enabling the timer
c= a * b;
*(TCSR0_reg) = 0x00000000; // disabling the timer
cyc = *(TCR0_reg); // reading the counter value
xil_printf("No. of clock cycles: %d\n\r",cyc); // Displaying through UART.

Is it ok? Does MicroBlaze take that much time or am I doing something wrong? Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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