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DS80C390 Flash Programming

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Junior Member level 2
Junior Member level 2
Feb 20, 2002
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winburn flash memory burner


Anybody have working whith this MCU?

I'm looking for a Flash Tools Programming like Winburn(

Thanks in advance,


Hi Maximilius26

80C390 has no flash inside. It's ROMless. I'm confident you know that and would like to fit and external flash and obvious program it.
One of the greatest feature of 80C390 is using the internal 4KB SRAM as combined program and data memory starting at 0x400000, loaded with bootstrap loader and run it without disturbing the 4MB external memory bus (0x00000 - 0x3FFFFF).

Can you be more specific what you want to do ?
Meanwhile, I shall take a look at demo provided by Winburn.

If you want to use that micro you should be aware of errata sheets for revision A1, B1, B2, B3 and B4.
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Some behaviours very annoying.
You can read the last data sheet released 03/06/03 as well.
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However for your design you must be aware of the maximum tAVIV1 that is 55ns for tMCS of 100ns, not so easily for most of the flash memory. Especially for the big one.

You can take a look at :
for a good design 80C390 basis. Because I know you'll burn fingers to get these files, that's why you can find bellow.

For a better approach and obvious if you have some money to spend, try the development board. It's exactly what you are looking for: boots from lazy EPROM, move the code inside faster SRAM and go from there. Add to this the CAN features provided by board. I know it's expensive, don't tell me that !

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Hi Silvio,

Thanks for yours useful informations.

My application needs 2 CAN(High priority & Low Priority traffic) and 2 Serials UART (1xRS232 & 1xRS422).

Do you have a example in C of a Bootstrap to progamming the FLash memory?



Hi Maximilius26,

I don't have the C source. Though, if you dig inside k_e_i_l site you can find something that could be usefull for MCS51 family:

I told you before about the timed access requirements of 80C390 for fetch reading. If you'll use the MUX 573 things goes even worse, because you have to subtract the propagation time through 573 latch, even ACT series. The Flash chips will not be very happy with that. Obvious if you want to drive the micro at his full speed (10 MIPS). You can avoid the MUX, but you'll loose the P1 port (when the MUX pin is tied to high)

One of the 80C390's features that I like most, is the 1 KB stack option inside scratch pad space, which is excelent for C compilers.



Anybody have information about the In Circuit Programming of DS89C420. I need this for my develop. Thanks.

Joebazoka, what's your problem ?

I believe you already downloaded the from Maxim/Dallas site and obvious read the documentation, but something it's bothering you. So, what's up ?

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Sorry Silvio. I am just a beginner with Dallas semiconductor. I have experience with another uC (Rabbit, MSP430, COP8, Z80, PIC). I´m trying to construct a temperature sensor board with DS1820. Please Silvio try to be more humble. Regards.

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