I am simulating a mips verilog netlist from my testbench. ROM memory block is modelled as a wire in the netlist although its connected to D flops.
module instruction_mem(clk, pc, instruction);
input clk;
input [7:0] pc;
output [15:0] instruction;
wire clk;
wire [7:0] pc;
wire [15:0] instruction;
wire [15:0] \rom[195] ;*
wire [15:0] \rom[67] ;
wire [15:0] \rom[146] ;
wire [15:0] \rom[19] ;
I tried driving testpatterns to the memory blocks by using readmemb/fscanf(just like what I did in RTL).It failed. From the link here, i learnt i couldnt use any of such fileI/O functions during netlist-simulation.
So i am trying to drive these signals through instantiation.
mips_16_core_top uut (
.IF_stage_inst.imem.\rom[67] (16'b1001001000011100)
.IF_stage_inst.imem.\rom[67] (1'b0)
What is the syntax to instantiate sub-lower modules in a testbench? For eg in the above case, its like this:
-> instruction_mem.v => rom memory.
But in my netlist,rom has been modelled as a wire with connections to D flip-flops. Simply put, how do i simulate memory blocks at a gate level? Also how do i drive heirarchicaly-lower level nets/registers during instantiation?