Downsampling on multi word bus.Verilog experts, please help!

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Sep 14, 2006
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Downsampling on multi word bus. Verilog experts, please help!

Hello guys,
I am trying to design a downsampler in Verilog which would take 5 samples and output average value at fCLK/5.
Each sample is 8 bit long, however input bus is 4 words long (32 bits). So every clock cycle I am getting 4 new values!
It would be an easy task to create a pipeline if I would be getting only 1 value per clock. But this really drives me crazy, especially considering that I have 4 bytes per clock and they need to be down sampled by 5, so some samples need to come from the next clock cycle.
Any help is greatly appreciated!

This isnt really a verilog question, its an algorithm design question.
Basically you're getting 4 words/clock, and you need 5 words to get a single output. So therefore your output will be 4/5 of the input rate ie. for every 5 input words, you'll get 4 valid outputs. So you just need to create a "valid" signal on the output in parralell with the data to show the next part of the pipeline whats a real output and whats not. GIven your input data, your valid signal will look like:

clk   __--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__

valid ______----------------____----------------____----

data  XXXXX><D0><D1><D2><D3><XX><D4><D5><D6><D7><XX><D8>

Sorry about confusion, you might not understood the question correctly, not sure how would data valid signal help.
Here is what my data stream looks like:

clkIn ______--------_____--------_____--------_____--------______--------______--------_____-------
dataIn XXX><A1A2A3A4><A5B1B2B3><B4B5C1C2><C3C4C5D1><D2D3D4D5><A1A2A3A4><A5XX
clkOut _____--------------------------------------____________________________----------------------
dataOut XX><aver(A1 to A5) aver(B1 to B5) aver(C1 to C5) aver (D1 to D5) ><aver(A1 to A5)

Data in and data out are 32-bit wide, transmitting 4 8-bit words every clock cycle.

ok, I misunderstood. But the algorithm could be done failry easily. Just store the data and sum it - and put some control logic in there to share resources. What do you really want from us? the question is too broad.

ok, I misunderstood. But the algorithm could be done failry easily. Just store the data and sum it - and put some control logic in there to share resources. What do you really want from us? the question is too broad.

Fairly easy? Can you describe the algorithm with a little more details? Forgive me, but I don't have much experience with Verilog/VHDL as I used to program in C where everything is sequential. I don't want to reinvent the wheel or make thing way overcomplicated. If it would be a single byte every clock, then I could read a new value, store it, add to the sum, output sum every 5 clocks and reset sum to zero.
But I have 4 bytes, so every cycle it needs to be something like this:
1. read 1st 4 bytes; add bytes 1-4 and store in sum1
2. read next 4; add byte 1 to sum1; add bytes 2-4 to sum2
3. read next 4; add bytes 1-2 to sum2; add bytes 3-4 to sum3
4. read next 4; add bytes 1-3 to sum3; add byte 4 to sum4
5. read next 4; add bytes 1-4 to sum4; output sum1,sum2,sum3,sum4,sum4

I've tried to come up with an algorithm and control logic, but no matter what I do, seems like I am always at least a cycle behind and my buffer keeps overflowing.

you need to build a state machine that just tracks what position you're at. That way you know which of the 4 inputs go into what addition. This should be easily pipelined so the output can appear a few clock cycles later. Im thinking you could just have first stage of the averager take in between 1 and 4 inputs, and the 2nd stage take the remainder. It will take just 4 2 to 1 muxes, chosing between inputs and 0, with the 2nd stage in pipleine doing the same, based on the state machine state (and the state machine could just be a counter to track the data position offset.) You always know where the data will be, its not random.

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