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downloading fpga program--mcs file to xilinx prom

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Sep 1, 2004
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xilinx mcs

Hi, I am a newbie to FPGA programming. I have a board from analog devices containing xilinx virtex II fpga chip and Xilinx XCF02S PROM. they also gave me the verilog code/.bit/.mcs files. I just want to try to load the mcs file to the chip for starters because i will be later working on modifying them.

I have xilinx ise webpack and i generated the bit file and the mcs file.
I did all this appropriate to my project,

Generate PROM, ACE ... File > PROM File > xilinx Serial PROM > File Format MCS and Fill FF > PROM name ie ADI.mcs and PROM Location - C:\ADI\FPGA
> PROM type: xcf02s > Add File and Selected the bit file > another design NO
> Finish

Now to download the program to the device, what configuration mode do i use Slave Serial ? . I was told to use the mcs and bit file in series and right click on the mcs file to get the program menu. But I find in serial mode I can add only one xilixn device ? Please let me know how i can do this....I am using parallel cable IV. thanks !

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mcs xilinx

Did you try boundry scan mode in the iMPACT tool?

xilinx mcs file

no i did not. I do not know which mode is to be used. Someone suggested that I use serial. in that I could not get the PROM(mcs) and FPGA(bit) file together using the add xilinx device. but yeah in boundary scan mode I can add both the devices. so is there any reason why i should go for any particular mode ? And if i use boundary scan mode I just program the xilinx PROM with the mcs file eh ? thanks much !

mcs file xilinx

The FPGA will be programmed from the Flash ROM using slave serial mode.

The Flash ROM is programmed from your computer with JTAG (boundary scan) using the MCS file.

xilinx bit file format

Yes, use boundry scan mode. Also the FPGA can be programmed directly with the bit file. Or you can program the Flash.


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xilinx prom program

thanks !

> The FPGA will be programmed from the Flash ROM using slave serial mode.
So I do not have to worry about anything here and I will do this alone as you said
" The Flash ROM is programmed from your computer with JTAG (boundary scan) using the MCS file"

I have attached the screenshot of iMPACT tool in boundary scan mode with Xilinx PROM and xilinx fpga added. do i add both the devices here or just need to add the PROM and program it ? this is my first time and some questions may sound ridiculous but well its my first time :) thanks again people !

how to flash the fpga in xilinx from impact

You're in Configuration Mode, but you have no connection. Plug in everything, power it up, and Initialize the JTAG chain (from File menu). The Flash ROM and the FPGA should be detected automatically. If necessary, reenter the file names. Right-click on the Flash ROM and program it.


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.mcs file xilinx

yeah I had not plugged in....I just made up the screenshot to see if this is the way its to be programmed. i will try powering all of em and see how it goes..thanks again..

xilinx .mcs

thanks ! I connected everything, powered up and initialize JTAG chain automatically detects the PROM and Virtex II FPGA chip. And then I assign the configuration files to both the PROM and FPGA chip. And then I right click on prom and program it ( Do I have to erase teh existing program ? ) And do I have to program teh FPGA chip as well or it is taken care of automatically at next power up from the PROM. I have attached the screenshots,

iMPACT - after initialize chain
assignconfiguration - after assigning mcs and bit file to the two devices.

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