[SOLVED] Doubt in Verilog module instantiation.. Help Me please....

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Jan 21, 2013
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I have a sub module

module RCAF(a,b,s,cout);

input [3:0] a,b;
output [3:0] s;
output cout;
wire c1,c2,c3;

here input a b are 4 input buses...
if i want to instantiate the above module

RCAF A1((a.s2),(b.s3), // here s2 nd s3 are 4 bit buses.

Say if i want to pass bitwise say i want to pass particular value for a[0]. i wrote

RCAF A1((a[0].s2[0]),(a[1].s2[1]),(a[3].s2[3]),(b[0].s3[0]), // here s2 nd s3 are 4 bit buses.

but while running synthesis in Xilinx ISE it shows error as

MUL_FOUR.v" line 57 Too many port connections in instance 'A3' of module 'RCAF'

How to do that.....????? help me please


I have no idea.

How about you post the FULL code so it's easier to read. Also, please use either CODE or SYNTAX tags. See this for some info:

I have no idea.

How about you post the FULL code so it's easier to read. Also, please use either CODE or SYNTAX tags. See this for some info:

module MUL_FOUR(A,B,P);
input [3:0]A;
input [3:0]B;
output [7:0]P;
reg [3:0]s1,s2,s3,s4,s5;
reg c1,c2,c3,s6;
parameter zero=0;

MUL_TWO M1((A.A[1:0]),

MUL_TWO M2((A.A[3:2]),
MUL_TWO M3((A.A[1:0]),

MUL_TWO M4((A.A[3:2]),

RCAF A1((a[1:0].s2[1:0]),(a[3:2].s2[3:2]),

RCAF A2((a[1:0].s1[3:2]),(a[3:2].s4[1:0]),

HA HA1(c1,c2,s6,c3);

RCAF A3((a_l[0].s6),(a[0].c3),(a[1].zero),(a[2].zero),a[3].zero,
			(s[0].P[6]), (s[1].P[7]),GND);


// sub module

module RCAF(a_l,a_h,b_l,b_h,s,cout);

input [1:0] a_l,a_h, b_l,b_h;  
output [3:0] s;   
output cout;     
wire c1,c2,c3;

FA FA0(a_l[0], b_l[0], 1'b0, s[0], c1);
FA FA1(a_l[1], b_l[1], c1, s[1], c2);
FA FA2(a_h[0], b_h[0], c2, s[2], c3);
FA FA3(a_h[1], b_h[1], c3, s[3], Cout);


Errorswhile synthesis
ERROR:HDLCompilers:92 - "MUL_FOUR.v" line 57 Too many port connections in instance 'A1' of module 'RCAF'
ERROR:HDLCompilers:92 - "MUL_FOUR.v" line 57 Too many port connections in instance 'A2' of module 'RCAF'
ERROR:HDLCompilers:92 - "MUL_FOUR.v" line 57 Too many port connections in instance 'A3' of module 'RCAF'

You seem to be a bit confused when it comes to port mappings.

I suggest reading this one, since it covers quite a few useful things: http://www.sunburst-design.com/papers/CummingsDesignCon2005_SystemVerilog_ImplicitPorts.pdf

And just on the off chance this is going to be your next reply: no I will not fix your code. Just read the suggested pdf and you will be able to fix your own code. Good luck!

edit: forgot to mention ... you want to change your code, and use the "2.2 Verilog named port connections" from page 3 in that pdf.
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