doubt in half cell symmetry

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Junior Member level 2
Sep 25, 2013
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what is meant by half cell symmetry? Is it different from mirrored image? what is advantage of keeping blocks in
half symmetry way than mirror image way?

pls explain

I am un able to undertsand your problem. Let me explain what i gathererd.We simulate structures using half cell or even quater cell (in the case of cavities) to save simulation time.
If we take mirror image it will take more time and resources so we take advantage of half cell symmetry and can complete the structure using mirror image.
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I just want to know what is meant by half symmetry of a block. suppose if am having a diff pair, i have done layout for one transis, if am flipping tat block and keeping it as another input of diff pair and making mirror image. then it s called symmetry right. correct me if am wrong. suppose am just copying tat 1st block and am placing it like tat oly (am
not flipping), is tat called half cell symmetry. i dont no this. what is advantage of doing like tis?

If you are filpping somethign then you are creatng mirror image of that thing which is definatly based on symmetry otherwise it is not possible. Half cell or quter cell symmetry is basically a tool to save the time and simulation resources that you make half and simulate it and then just using the symmtery make an mirror image and use it. I have worked on RF structures and cavities and there we use this tool of symmerty to smpilfy our structure simulation. Mirror image is always based on symmtery an it is fipped version of orignal structure so comlete the work automatically with haalf effort

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