I am simulating the same circuit in ADS and Ansys but there is no DC_FEED or DC_BLOCK in Ansys (or maybe i didnt find them) so I don't know what values to put to retain the DC or AC. The circuit has a varactor modulated at f= 100 MHz and the main frequency of f=10 GHz. I attaached both circuits:
In the student version of ansoft I have there is DCBLK and CHOKE. I found these under the lumped > general components folder. Its been 3-4 years since I have had an up to date copy on ansys in front of me but I think these should still exist. Ultimately you can just use absurdly high cap and inductor values as well.
In the student version of ansoft I have there is DCBLK and CHOKE. I found these under the lumped > general components folder. Its been 3-4 years since I have had an up to date copy on ansys in front of me but I think these should still exist. Ultimately you can just use absurdly high cap and inductor values as well.