Does VB have special character that represent enter char?

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Member level 5
May 26, 2004
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Next line character

Hi out there..

Does VB have any special character that represent the 'enter' event?

In some other programming lauguage, '\n' symbol is use to represent the enter (next line character). So do VB have any of that? :?


Next line character

But i cant see the effect..except a "|" symbol like that?
What i need is..the following sentence will appear at the next line.

Re: Next line character

chr$(13) is the ASCII code for Carriage Return. The ASCII is the standard notation for characters. VB understands ASCII, and I would say that \n is the alternative to CHR$(13) than otherwise.
Anyway, if it doesn't work, it would be due to other factors. Could it be that you are trying to write into a single-line textbox?

Re: Next line character

Usually I use the VbCrLf which corresponds to the chr$(13) e chr$(10) [Carriage return ans Line Feed].

Ex. Text1.text=Text1.text & "what you want to print" & VbCrLf

You can find more info on MSDN at the topic "String Constants"

bye wn.

Next line character

To: checkmate, i am using multiline..
THanks anyway!!
VbCrLf definately is the effect that i needed..
Thank you so much..

Re: Next line character

I'm not good at VB, but I'm accomplished in assemble language. I know that Chr$(13) only means the Carriage Return(CR), but the '\n' means a line feed and a CR. So you should use both Chr$(10) and Chr$(13).

Re: Next line character

Marcolm said:
So you should use both Chr$(10) and Chr$(13).
Not always, it depends on what RS232 receiver you use :? many only need chr(13)

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