Inferior to what? It's not like you have another viable
Collector being the substrate is not really any worse
than an isolated PNP tied to ground by metal, other
than that you don't get to choose -which- ground.
Other than by placement, and what else you allow to
inject substrate currents. And that its characteristics
as a transistor tend to be very poor, on purpose, and
likely poorly modeled.
I'm suspecting that on your first and second passes you
will find worse things than substrate noise when you
test it. Bet on the substrate BJT model being worse for
temperature fidelity than its lousy-enough room temp
accuracy and process control.
If I were you I'd be getting ahold of some real devices,
pick a unit geometry you like, and pull data and fit
models yourself. Unless the foundry asserts they've
done a reference-grade job of it, which for a digital
CMOS flow is unlikely investment on their part.
Otherwise you wait until fab-out to find out how
badly you've been misled by the provided model.