Does signal amplitude decrease as its frequency increases?

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Jan 19, 2008
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Does the amplitude of a signal decreases as its frequency increases?

Re: Frequency

headman333 said:
Does the amplitude of a signal decreases as its frequency increases?

Yes - if you create a system which has this property.
But, if you want, you can get the opposite characteristic.
Summary: It depends on you resp. on your system.

I suppose, this answer is no surprise for you.

Re: Frequency

it shouldn't be if the system is linear over the "frequency" range

Re: Frequency

Are there systems right now that uses this characteristics; As the amplitude is inversely proportional to frequency?

Re: Frequency

headman333 said:
Are there systems right now that uses this characteristics; As the amplitude is inversely proportional to frequency?

Have you ever heard about a lowpass ?

Re: Frequency

Yes, I do heard about it and other filters as well.

Re: Frequency

headman333 said:
Yes, I do heard about it and other filters as well.

Fine, in this case - I think - you can answer your question by yourself, don´t you ?

Re: Frequency

No, I do not have enough knowledge on how signal behave on those system other than filtering.

Re: Frequency

headman333 said:
No, I do not have enough knowledge on how signal behave on those system other than filtering.

I think it is necessary to better formulate your question.
Each electronic communication system has, in general, a lowpass response because no system can work for frequencies approaching infinite.
What really is your problem ? What kind of system - other than filtering - do you mean ? Amplifier ? Cable ? Modulator ? .......?

Re: Frequency

I know that the attenuation increases when the frequency increases , that's when we are talking about wave prorogation

Re: Frequency

I'm just curious about a signal characteristic in general, but one particular system that I'm interested in is in a modulator, how does a signal behave in it?

Re: Frequency

headman333 said:
Does the amplitude of a signal decreases as its frequency increases?

True, take as exemple a VCO.
The more is the frequency the less is the signal's amplitude.


Thanks Advares ! You know I'm slightly mystified about it.

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