Hi guys, I'm a student and trying to write an article. I have designed a chip monopole antenna. I used a rohde & schwarz vector analyzer to measure the antenna. I measured it and it is not surprising that the results are quite bad compared to the simulation on CST. But the strange thing is that when the analyzer's power cord is coiled into 4 turns, with a radius of about 7cm, I accidentally put the antenna in between them, and surprisingly the antenna has very good parameters. I think alternating current goes through the coil and gives the antenna something like a magnetic base like regular magnetic base antennas. The coil is just ordinary electric coil, 220V and 50Hz. My antenna is designed for the Ghz frequency. I was quite wondering, is there any formula or equation behind it. Or is it just because I didn't measure it in the EMI room, so it's noisy
You need to think about the actual ground for your monopole. Until you insert a common mode choke (ferrite bead) at the feed, your feed cable and all the stuff connected to your feed ground will be part of the radiating structure, and influence your antenna performance.
Also, placing metal objects (like a cable) near the antenna will change antenna performance.
If you provide all the conditions which are already exist in CST environment, the results will be very close.
Antenna Chambers are for that.
If you measure this antenna in a crowdy and messy environment, everything around that will impact badly. Metal objects, magnetic components, measurement equipment's, even screwdrivers.
External transmitters ( GSM, TV, etc.) will also contribute into this messy around.
Probably if you write in the article that this antenna works only with a R&S VNA nearby, you will get many citations from R&S publishers
Why to design a chip monopole antenna, when is practically impossible to provide the necessary on-chip ground plane. And if you place the ground plane out-of-chip, why put the antenna on chip anyway...