Does it make sens to use a 60Hz AC line filter

Piet de Pad

Junior Member level 3
Feb 24, 2023
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Dear Electronic Enthusiast,
I'm working on a protection device against incoming bad electricity like spikes, under and over voltage and noise. Below low is a design I made. I would like to hear your ideas about this house protection device. In particular, my question "does it make sens to use a 60Hz Low pass filter at the entrance of a house" I would like to know more about.

To build this protection, I use four components

  1. An Under and Overvoltage protection with time delays.
  2. An 40A contactor
  3. An AC Surge Protection Device, SPD
  4. A 60 Hz low pas filter for 40Amp
The UV and OV protection in combination with the Contactor guarantees a stable AC voltage between two voltage levels. It also provides the time delays returning no normal operation after the occurrence of a UV or OV event.
The SPD shortcuts possible voltage spikes on the AC grid to earth.
The filter is a more complicated part. There are EMI filter for three-phase and single phase system exits, but not for split phase. Furthermore, I'm not convinced if an EMI filter at the main feed of a house is a good idea since most EMI is produced in the house and not coming in from the grid. It does block the EMI from the house into the grid. To block low frequent noise coming in from the grid and going out to the grid from the house a special designed low pass filter is needed and I haven't found them yet.

Let me know what you think and what you know.

EMI filters - unless they are Rolls - Royce and oversized to keep the heat down, are not worth the money

Very large MOV's to neutral/earth are the best protection - usually 275Vac rated - get the big ones

as are MOV's from L-L - suitably sized.

good luck

Thanks, I take your advice in consideration

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