Hi all,
I'd like to use freerouting.com's program to perform autowriting. I'm able to create the DSN file successfully after using the following .ulp file eagle2freerouter.ulp which I downloaded from the official Cadsoft downloads page.
I'm successfully able to successfully perform autorouting as per the following instructions.
Apologies if my question sounds basic but I'm unable to understand why the ground pins seem not to be routed. All my ground pins as per my .brd file in eagle contain airwires which I expect to be routed as the way eagleautorouter does it.
I've had a look at a board routed using freerouter as per this link and it is seems to me the groudn pins as per the attached files do not contain traces running from them. Any idea why?
See **broken link removed** for screenshot of my unrouted .brd file in eagle.
See **broken link removed** for screenshot of my .dsn file autorouted using freerouter.
See **broken link removed** to download my .dsn file.
See **broken link removed** to download my .scr file.
See **broken link removed** to download my .sch file.
See **broken link removed** to download my .brd file.
I appreciate any help.