Does clock skew leads to Setup Violations or Hold Violations

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Full Member level 2
Jun 13, 2007
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Hi All,

Can any body tell me that

Whether Clock Skew will lead to Hold time Violations or Setup Time Violations.

Also explain the case for both (+ve) and (-ve) Clock Skew.

I will be thankful if upload some docs related to it.

It depends. If capacture clock has positive skew with respect to launch clock then it aidsd hold time and may cause setup violations. Similarly if it has negative skew the hold violations may occur while hellping setup time

Re: Does clock skew leads to Setup Violations or Hold Violat

Hi,I hope this document will be helpful for you.
Please go to this link in the previous post.

Re: Does clock skew leads to Setup Violations or Hold Violat

If there is positive skew that is ,
if capture clock is delayed than launch clock then it helps in setup.
Revrese is if launch clock is dealyed than capture clock than it helps in hold.

Re: Does clock skew leads to Setup Violations or Hold Violat

Can it be taken like this:

>>If there is positive skew that is ,
>>if capture clock is delayed than launch clock then it helps in setup.
Can lead to setup time violations if Tsk is higher than Tco + Tp + Tsu

>>Revrese is if launch clock is dealyed than capture clock than it helps in hold.
Can lead to hold time violations if Tsk (at launch clock) is higher than Tco + Tp - Th

Re: Does clock skew leads to Setup Violations or Hold Violat

With zero skew, there is won't be any hold violation.

At zero skew, Tcq + Tcomb should be greater than Thold.
Even if Tcomb = 0, Tcq will always be greater than Thold.

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