uCOS VS Salvo
yeah! i'm also using uCOS with msp430.
i think the uCOS and Salvo is very different.
uCOS is preemptive mulititasking RTOS, and the Salvo is only cooperative RTOS.
so, uCOS is powerfuler than Salvo.
but uCOS is need more RAM than Savlo. in some situation, the RAM is very very rare!
if i want to use uCOS with, i have to select msp430f149, which has only 2K RAM.
in Salvo User Mannual,(i only get the lite version,
), the PDF say, Salvo requires very little memory and no stack even if the MCU does not have PUSH and POP instructions, or stack register.
"the amount of RAM Salvo requires is also dependent on your particular configuration. In a RSIC application, each task will requier 4-12(typically 7) bytes, each event 3-4 bytes, and 4-6 more bytes are requiered to manage all the tasks, events and delays"
So i think if the RAM is enough, the uCOS is better than Salvo, otherwise i have to use Salvo. the RAM resource is the first problem for using RTOS with MCU.