Do we need a DDR module for video scaling in fpga?

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May 20, 2015
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I want to use video scalar ip core in sp605 evaluation board. My doubt is whether we need a DDR module for video scalar ip core?

Thanks in advance


I want to use video scalar ip core in sp605 evaluation board. My doubt is whether we need a DDR module for video scalar ip core?

Thanks in advance

if you are working with a interlaced video - you most likely need to
store the first field in DDR.

except for that it depends on the type of scaling you wish to implement
and how many free brams you can afford to spend.

Thank you for your response. :smile:

i am using 1920*1080 P as input to video scalar ip core. my bram is 64K. can i do scaling or cropping?

Each frame of 1080p is going to be just over 5 MB. For scaling/cropping you will need a 2 frame buffer - one to read and one to write.
So you dont necessarily need DDR, just some external storage of 16-32 MB
so its is mandatory to have a storage (either DDR or external storage of 32 MB)? My question is that can we do scaling or cropping without storing it like other ip cores such as Edge enhancement or color correction matrix.

I hadnt realised this was talking about a specific IP core.
From the document all buffering is internal to the core, so you dont need to connect any external ram to it. You can chose how you play the video in - either live or from a frame buffer - the choice is yours.

Mandatory....consider it guidelines.

I think the point being made here is.

If your data to be processed exceeds your internal buffering capacity, then yes you need some means of storing the data so when you load it in you can process it(in window snippets/whole frames)

If you've got the capacity to process it in one swoop then kodus , you save yourself the need of having to buy external storage. However consider it future proof if you include external storage, this will give you some margin.

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