Do these Bode plots of a flyback SMPS look right?

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Here are the gain and phase plots of a flyback SMPS.
Do they look allright?
The actual flyback runs off rectified mains which fluctuated between 150V and 330V at 100Hz.
I had to pick a single Vin for the bode plots, so I picked 150V.

Schem, LTspice sim and bode plots attached

vout = 30v, pout = 22.5w, fsw=97khz, cout = 470uF, current mode, CCM, continuos mode,


  • Stability Bode plots _Flyback CCM.jpg
    264 KB · Views: 156
  • Flyback _TL431_FLSL_type2.pdf
    18.9 KB · Views: 110
  • Flyback _TL431_FLSL_type2.txt
    9 KB · Views: 83

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