Do laws of physic apply inside a black hole?

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Sep 19, 2005
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I would like to know the answers of the following questions:-

1. Could laws of physics be applicable in the black hole? If yes, to what extent ?

2. Could people (or astronauts) inside the schwarzschild radius communicate with other people by sending radio wave?

Please help! Thank you.

Re: Black hole

1) At this moment in time - No (as we do not have a firm understanding of the hole yet).

2) Possibly - but we need to experiment a little more.

Re: Black hole

All laws fails at black hole....if einstein had been there we would have got new theort and laws for black hole upon which he was workin before he died....

accordin to present obversation the gravity inside black hole is infinte....and so even light is unable to how could u can even think tht any Electromagnetic waves (light,radio waves..etc) wil escape thru it is impossible to communicate ....

Re: Black hole

the inertial reference is shifted very bad that is the main problem there and hence laws of physics can be applied if you are able to predict the shift in the inertial frame on which much work is going on....

they wont be able to communicate because black hole sucks even light.... and radio waves belong to the same....

Re: Black hole

I need more expert advice. Refer to question 2, someone said it is possible and someone said it is impossible. Who is right?

Morever, some physics text books mention that if one could get into black hole without dying or tearing by the tremendous tidal force, one could go to the other universe (i.e. white hole). Is it true?

Please help ! Thank you.

Re: Black hole

Well, there's also one thing. The black hole has an enourmous magnetic field. It would be very, very hard to communicate using any radio waves. Light can "survive" on the Schwarzschild's radius, however, that's the border. At this point, the wavelength sent outside gets infinite. I think, that's no chance of communicating with anybody.

As mentioned before, we don't know how the physics' laws work in the black hole. John Wheeler mentions that it's possible, that black holes could be an entrance to a wormhole. I've seen some models of linking universes by black holes with the description 'bout them. However, nobody has found it out yet, and human is slightly bigger than a photon

Re: Black hole

there are many theories saying that blackhole can link parallel universes but it is yet to be proved....

Re: Black hole

I think the biggest problem is to find a volunteer to make the trip ( one way only , no return ticket ).


Black hole

i dont think that would take that long, a lot of people would do it. the problem would be surviving in side the hole and for us what happened to the person.

Re: Black hole

artemb said:
i dont think that would take that long, a lot of people would do it. the problem would be surviving in side the hole and for us what happened to the person.
Well, i'm not pretty sure, if you would be lucky enough to survive. Most black holes (about 99% I think) will kill you, because there's a "spaghetti effect". And try to keep cool being stored in volume less than the particle's one

Black hole

Sir Stephen hawking has a theory that we're living in a labyrinth of universes or a multiverse
where energy keeps travelling from one to another via these black holes.
But travelling through black hole with our present physical limitations is impossible.

Re: Black hole

In reference to your second question The radio waves will be forever trapped in the radius because in that point the gravity between the black hole and the rest of the universe is balanced for the light, and the radio waves are electromagnetic waves too, so the radio waves will never escape but will never get into the black hole.

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