Do I need to program Altera EPM7032SLC44-10 IC ?

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Re: IC question.

Hello sztibi82,

You need to program the chip, unless you are buying it already programmed from whoever designed the project.

The MAX7000S devices can be programmed in-circuit by a jtag interface and freely-available software (from Altera).

Circuit diagrams of the programmer cable that plugs into a PC and then into the jtag socket (which should be on the project board) are available. I don't have time to search, but they are most likely on EDAboard somewhere - just search for "jtag programming lead" or similar. They are very easy to build.

Edit: Go to this thread - there is a schematic of a programming cable in lz5za's post.

Hope this helps,

IC question.

It is a programable device . You should "design" it first for your needs .

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