PSOC is an SOC processor with a lot of analog capability as well as digital. A snapshot of whats in the chip (in may cases multiple copies of the items shown) -
Here is a basic oscilloscope, function generator, FFT, logic analyzer done by Cypress/Infineon engineer on the $ 15 CY8CKIT-059 board.
Scope BW is 100 Khz, fungen 10 Khz. Open source. Windows GUI done in TCL
2 Channel Oscilloscope and Waveform Geneator uisng a CY8CKIT-059 board and a TCL based PC GUI. - Infineon/CyScope
Its basically a 5V system, and input max of 5V. But one can easily offset input to handle -
voltages, and I would recommend user create an attenuator in front of input with protection
diodes to 5V rail and ground to insure board not compromised by excessive V. Could easily run
off battery.
One could modify it adding features, as well as the GUI interface. Like using the DDS component
for more flexible and wider freq range generator. Or adding the DSP filter onboard the PSOC to
'do signal conditioning. Lots of possibilities.
Regards, Dana.