DIY fiberglass circuit board

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Advanced Member level 4
Jul 15, 2012
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Epping, Victoria, Australia
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I made this simply by soaking two pieces of fiberglass mat in epoxy resin and the sandwiching it between two pieces of builders plastic lined MDF. I then traced around a conventional matrix circuit board and cut it out with an angle grinder with a tile cutter blade. I had to paint this one with another layer of epoxy to fill in some small holes in the surface.

I will sand it off smooth and attempt to clad it with aluminium foil using epoxy glue. Previous rough tests proved that you can get good adhesion as long as the metal surface is not shiny.

I will then attempt to transfer a circuit image on to the aluminium using the magazine paper method, which has also worked on previous occasions, and then try etching the board with hydrochloric acid.

Following this I will repeat the exercise but using 0.1mm copper shim that I can obtain locally.

I will post the result for anyone interested.

With the other easier to get but non-alcohol based epoxy resin I am also trying, I will have to use wax paper rather than builders plastic because it causes the plastic to wrinkle along with the fiberglass. With this second attempt I have also mixed in yellow oxide pigment - works well.

The purpose of the exercise is to get a cheaper source of copper clad boards and also have the ability to make custom size and shape copper clad boards.

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