This is a misunderstanding - i think. Not pin 13 , but pin12 = RCLK.
* shift in 120 bits data for line1
* now give RCLK a positive edge, to send the data for line1 to the outputs.
* now enable the driver for line1 (line1 LED are active)
* now you may shift in 120 bits of data for line2 (still data for line1 are on the outputs of HC595 and the LEDs on line1 are still active)
--> switch from line1 to line2
* now disable driver for line1
* now give RCLK a positive edge, to send the data for line2 to the outputs.
* now enable driver for line2
--- (the three lines above need only some us of time. so the display is about 99% active)
* now you may shift in 120 bits of data for line3 (still data for line2 are on the outputs of HC595 and the LEDs on line2 are still active)
--> switch from line2 to line3
* now disable driver for line2
* now give RCLK a positive edge, to send the data for line3 to the outputs.
* now enable driver for line3
* now you may shift in 120 bits of data for line4 (still data for line3 are on the outputs of HC595 and the LEDs on line3 are still active)
... and so on.
the benefit is, that
* the display is 99% active, giving the most brightness
* there is no need to disable the display during transmit of 120 bits (same as above)
* there is no garbage on the LEDs during transmit
* you have plenty of time to slowly transmit the 120 bits (i recmmend to transmit faster than 120 bits per 1.6ms, for flickerfree display)
Slowly means, there is no need for 1Mbits/s, but at least 120bits/1.6ms = 75k bits/s = 13us/bit )