I am writing the software in C and I have managed to display English sentence in a 32x122 dots LCD. I written a LCD driver and imported a font table generated from the "Font and Bitmap Generator". Therefore the code to display a sentence is like
As the compiler know 'A' is equal to 0x41, so my driver will find index 0x41 in the English font table and set the corresponding dots.
However how can I display a German sentence? First, is there any font file for German like the <Arial> in English so that I can import to something like the "Font and Bitmap Generator" to generate a font table.
Second, as I do not know German, is that each letter in German can refer to a letter in English? Therefore I still can type
Many languages use the same alphabet with a few additional characters required for umlaut or accents. The extended ASCII set includes those characters https://www.asciitable.com/ You don't need a separate character set for each language. Even without the extra characters there are ways of writing without them e.g. gross instead of groβ although there are German speakers on this forum who I am sure can do a better job than my schoolboy German.