hello Big dog and others,
The mentioned display from wintek/WM-C1602M-1GNNB, is the Original display, so not the new one.
The new display solder points, are 3 mm more to the left, starting from the edge (see picture previous post).
So, perhaps i can bow the existing header pins 3mm, after removing the plastic black horizontal bridge just below the pcb display.
Does anybody have some experience with this, can it be done this bowing.
If possible, i can use the existing header, which is more convenient for me because in that case i do not have to de/solder the pins on the back-side of the pcb controller (it involves a risk to desolder the pins on the pcb on the controller board).
But, as told before, I do not have any experience on this, it is just how it looks like to me without any experience.